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Pharmacy Management Software

designed for Single pharmacy or chain of pharmacies

inpharma plus

InPharma Plus

InPharma is referred to Integrated Pharmacy management Software, as it says, inphama includes all the required features for a pharmacy from purchasing to dispensing the medicine to the patients. In pharma, Plus is designed for Single Pharmacy or Chain of Pharmacy management.


Inpharma Pharmacy Management Software is specifically designed to address pharmacy dispensing issues and stock management. Unlike any industry, Pharmacies are having a very complex dispensing method that is related to the inventory. Inpharma Pharmacy software has advanced inventory management for addressing the dispensing issues in Pharmacies with a route level stock management.


Our Pharmacy Software manages the Cash patients, Insurance patients, and Voucher Management and it includes the Vendor Bill ( Vendor Invoice), Purchase and GRN Management, Finance, and Accounting.

Pharmacy Software

Inpharma Plus

Pharmacy Management Software

Product Management Module

In the pharmacy industry, the most important section is to handle the products in different ways. There are many key features required to manage a pharmacy run smoothly. In Inpharma Pharmacy management Software includes all such information related to a product, those includes, Product Name, Category management, SKU management, Product package management in different level, Reordering mechanism, Quantity on hand , Purchase and sales level management for the Products , Name of the package ( strip/sachets/tablets/bottles or any ) , Pack dispensing units regardless of package ( Tablet/Strip/box or carton), Generic name of the products, Dispensing of the products, Batch Management of the product, Barcode Management based on the batch and expiry date etc.


Inpharma gives an advanced level of expiry management of the products in batch level itself . It includes the batch no , expiry date, alert of expiring product, expired product alert, removal of expired product etc. Advanced Configuration management in InpHarma notify the expiry information of products to the inventory managers on time to time,

Inventory management

The backbone of the Inpharma Pharmacy Management system is Inventory management. InPharma has an advanced and improved Inventory management which no one can offer. It records all the movement for any type of inventory without any manual process. It records the movements based on products/batch /expiry/vendors/customers etc.

The advanced level of inventory management in Inpharma Pharmacy Management software will allow you to create any number of  inventory locations based on the products/product category/Vendor level product stocking/racks/bin etc with the quantity you want to keep on those locations . The reserved locations management will allow you to keep and track the surplus inventory and make an internal transfer once the rack level quantity has been dispensed.


Pharmacy ERP Software

The advanced dashboard for the inventory module in InPharma Pharmacy Management Software will give an  absolute control over your inventory movements. The dashboard will show you the product’s movement status from your vendors, your delivery process. Picking operations, internal movement of stock from one location to another, returning stock etc. Inphama Inventory management module will also show you the delivery information, back order information, Stock movement, Scrap management etc.


InPharma Inventory module has the automated notification management for expired product/ nearly expired product/ Expiring product notification, Re-order level notification,disposing of expired stock, stock movement alert/ product movement alert etc

A batch and expiry level feature in the Inpharma Pharmacy Management software will give you an overview of of the total product stock quantity available in inventory with the batch number, expiry date, expiring days, expired products with vendor information. Without any manual interference inpharma inventory module will block the selling of expired stock to the customers.

Inventory Software for Pharmacies

Purchase Management Module

The advanced purchase management modules in the InPharma Pharmacy Management System gives absolute control all over the procurement process in purchasing the products to the pharmacy. The procurement module ensures all of its procurement process for  the pharmacy from the purchase order to Good Receiving in inventory. Inpharma automates all the procurement activities in simple and efficient manner.


The enhanced vendor management in purchase modules will give you the bird eye view of the history of purchasing from any vendor since the day you start working with Inpharma, it includes all the history of Purchases done for a specific vendor . product purchased, batch no and expiry date of the purchased products, products movements for the purchased products from the vendor etc.


The back order management system for the purchase module will keep track of the products delivered against a purchase order and the status of the remaining product delivery

Sales Management

Sales Management in Inpharma Pharmacy management is providing an easy and advanced way of medicine and non medicines dispensing  from its stock to the customers based on the customers type regardless of cash or insurance patients. The barcode scanning system will allow the pharmacist to choose the right product with right expiry or batch number for the dispensing of the products even if it is  wrong product selection. The Dispensing window in sales management allow the pharmacist to choose the patient type whether its cash or insurance patient, and dispense the medicine accordingly based on the doctor’s prescription.  A quick scanning and search  option will provide the pharmacist to check whether the prescribed medicine is available in the stock or not.



The dispensing window allows the pharmacist to record all the information related to the prescription for a patient which includes the Insurance information, Approval code and date, co-pay and deductible information, scanning of supporting documents, generating insurance claims certificates. A single click posting of payments with different types of payment mode will allow the pharmacist to record all those information, along with supporting document attach options.


Pharmacy Dispensing Software

The Sales management window allow the pharmacist to check the total business based on any type of the parameters used in the sales window to check the daily sales , product dispensing, product movements, insurance payment information, outstanding payment information etc with a single click .


 Dispensing medicine to the customers based on their  is always a headache. Pharmacists need to know whether the essential medicines are available at the stock. This has a direct impact on the pharmacy business.  This is the very reason all pharmacy should have Inpharma Pharmacy Management Software

Account Management

InPharma Pharmacy software has included with the advanced Finance and accounting Module, which gives you overall financial position of your Pharmacy.  Accounting Modules in Inpharma Pharmacy Software covers general ledgers, accounts receivables, accounts payables, voucher management, recurring journals, expense management, Trial balance, Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss Reports, ageing reports, Statements of accounts etc

Pharmacy ERP Software

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